Clothing Giveaways
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Our Future
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Event Stats
Years in Ministry
People Ministered to
Garments Given Out
Times Gospel Shared
Consider making a monthly (or one-time) donation to Garments of Praise as we continue to share the Gospel and reach the lost!

About Us:
Garments of Praise provides new clothes to those in need. Because of a relationship we have with a clothing company, we have been able to give away many tens of thousands of clothes in the past many years. We distribute the clothes through events called “Great Garment Giveaways” where we go into a community and give the clothes out through a local church. This enables us to not only minister to them physically, but also to pray for them at the end for any spiritual needs they may have as well.
Garments of Praise was created in November of 2012. Originally this ministry was operated by West Haven Baptist Church. In August of 2014, Mark Scribner, one of the original founders of the ministry stepped out in faith to run this ministry full-time.